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    Keto Diet for Beginners: Getting Started
    Looking for a diet plan you can stick with for life? For many people, that means trying out the keto diet or low-carb, high-fat (LCHF) lifestyle.Why cut the carbs? Carbohydrates are a pri...
    Beverages for the Keto Diet: Best Keto-Friendly Drinks
    The keto diet is all about consuming only high-fat and low-carb foods and drinks. The idea is to substitute your daily carbs for fat, which causes your body to enter into the metabolic st...
    Keto Almond Cake
    Who says no carbs has to mean no cake? Try this recipe, based on almond flour and an alternative sweetener called xylitol. This cake is sure to satisfy those sweet-tooth cravings while on...
    What Are Ketones?
    Living a successful ketogenic or low-carb, high-fat (LCHF) lifestyle is based on understanding the way ketones affect the body. While ketones are always present in the blood, ketone produ...
    Holiday Eating Keto Style
    Living the keto lifestyle never stops Desiree DiLorenzo from enjoying herself at a holiday party. No matter how many cakes, cookies, pies and other sugar-laden foods grace a table, she’s ...
    Lemon Sage Chicken and Cauliflower
    This low-carb creation features the richly aromatic herb sage, which is available both fresh (as used below) or dried. And as a one-pan dinner, this recipe makes for “faster cleanup on a ...
    Tips for Keto Living
    Looking to start a keto diet this year? You're not alone; a lot of people have cut their carbohydrate intake in an effort to manage their weight and just plain feel better. Here's what yo...
    Grass-Fed Beef for Keto Diets
    Beef, with its zero carb count and plentiful protein, is a staple for keto dieters. What’s more, beef provides a wealth of micronutrients, including iron, selenium, zinc and vitamins B3, ...
    Singapore Chili Crab
    Seafood, including crustaceans such as crab and lobster, is carb-free and loaded with nutrients…making it perfect for a keto or other low-carb diet. This recipe is simple enough for a qui...
    Keeping Your Resolutions the Keto Way
    When it comes to the popularity of New Year’s resolutions, the only competition for “losing weight” is “getting in shape” (as if the two weren’t related). And every year many people try t...
    A Guy's Guide to Keto Living
    If you’re a man looking to maintain a trim frame and find extra energy, you should give the keto diet a try.When eating the keto way, you limit your carbohydrates while upping your levels...
    Low-Carb Meal Planning
    Have you decided to follow the keto diet or some other low-carb eating plan? Good for you! Now comes the challenging part: Sticking to your diet once life—unexpected overtime, an extra so...

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