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    Eggs: Protein Plus

    Whether you like 'em scrambled, hard boiled or over easy, nothing says basic breakfast like eggs. But eggs can also be turned into the most elegant of eye-openers, as in the recipe below.

    What's the difference between brown and white eggs? Nutritionally, not a thing: The color of the shell is determined by the color of the chicken.

    Speaking of nutrition: Eggs average 6 grams of protein each. They also contain 13 vitamins and minerals including phosphorus, selenium and vitamin D.

    When choosing eggs, figuring out how they were produced is way more important than shell color. Your best option is finding a local grower and ask about how he or she cares for their hens. Otherwise, you can go by a number of egg-label options:

    • Animal Welfare Approved: has the highest standards of any third-party auditing program, according to the Humane Society of the United States
    • Cage Free: Hens are not confined in cages, but aren't guaranteed outdoor access
    • Certified Organic: Must meet USDA standards; hens are to be given an organic feed with no pesticides or antibiotics
    • Free Range: Hens are allowed outside, although the exit may be small and open for only short periods each day
    • Natural: This means nothing unnatural was done to the eggs; the hens, not so much
    • Omega-3 Enriched: Hens are fed sources of omega-3 fats such as flaxseed or algae
    • Pasture Raised: Hens are allowed to roam freely in grassy areas, which allow them to feed at will and act, well, like chickens
    • Vegetarian Fed:No animal-based foods; critics say chickens naturally feed on insects and sicken on all-plant diets

    Poached Egg, Sweet Potato Rösti and Healthy Hollandaise

    1 tbsp white wine vinegar

    4 large free-range eggs, deshelled

    2 tsps coconut oil

    5 cups spinach, tough stalks removed

    sea salt and freshly ground black pepper

    small handful fresh chives, finely chopped

    Sweet Potato Rösti

    1 large sweet potato (or 2 smaller ones), coarsely grated

    1 large free-range egg

    sea salt and freshly ground black pepper

    3 tbsps coconut oil

    Healthy Hollandaise

    2 egg yolks

    juice of 1/2 lemon

    3 tbsps melted coconut oil

    sea salt and freshly ground black pepper

    1. Preheat the oven to 400°F.
    2. For the rösti: Place the sweet potato in a large bowl and crack in the egg. Season with salt and pepper; stir well. Place a large, ovenproof frying pan over medium-high heat; add the coconut oil. Place 4 heaping tbsps of the mixture in the pan at a time; press down to create flat cakes. Fry until golden and then flip. Place the pan in the oven for 15–20 minutes, until cooked through.
    3. For the hollandaise: Fill a blender with boiling water; pour out when you are ready to start. Add the egg yolks and lemon juice; blend until smooth. With the mixer on, slowly add melted oil until the sauce is smooth and slightly thickened, then season.
    4. To poach the eggs, fill a pan with about 2" of water; bring to a boil. Add a pinch of sea salt and the vinegar. Lower to a very gentle simmer and drop each egg into the water right at the surface. Cook 3–4 minutes before removing with a slotted spoon and draining on paper towels.
    5. Melt the coconut oil in a large frying pan over medium-high heat and wilt the spinach; add salt and pepper. Drain and keep warm. To serve, place the rösti on four plates, divide the spinach among them, and top each with a poached egg. Top with a generous amount of the sauce, the chopped chives and a grind of black pepper.

    Yields 4 servings

    Source: reprinted with permission from Fresh © 2017 by Donal Skehan (Sterling Epicure)

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