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      Building Children's Self-Confidence

      As a parent, you want what’'s best for your children. You’'d like them to take risks, meet new people and be happy, and not be anxious or worried about what others think of them. 

      However, none of that comes automatically. By encouraging them to rely on their own resources, and by loving them even when they make mistakes, you can help your children develop a healthy sense of self-confidence.

      Self-esteem and self-confidence mean two different things, according to psychologist Frank Sileo, PhD, the author of five children’'s books. "Self-esteem is when your child believes in himself. Self-confidence is knowing what you can accomplish, based on personal performance,”" he explains.

      Signs of concern include being withdrawn, not wanting to make decisions and not wanting to try new things, according to child development and parenting expert Denise Daniels. “"Then it’'s time to employ some strategies for building self-confidence,”" she says.

      Excessive self-confidence, though, can be off-putting and set a child up for failure. “"Our charge as parents is to help our children develop a healthy, realistic sense of self-confidence,”" says Paul LeBuffe, director of the Devereux Center for Resilient Children in Villanova, Pennsylvania.

      Here’'s how to foster confidence; modify as needed to match your child’'s age.

      Set Your Child Up to Succeed

      Encourage your son or daughter to take small steps when trying something new. “"This will keep anxiety at bay or at least to a minimum,”" Sileo says. “A child has to believe he had a part in his success: Sileo gives the example of learning to ride a bicycle. First you put training wheels on the bike and walk alongside. You then take the training wheels off but still walk next to your child to watch for falls. After full balance is achieved, the child can be allowed to ride alone.

      Use Books as Teaching Tools

      Find an age-appropriate book in which a child faces a particular concern your son or daughter has, such as wrestling with a fear of the dark or losing at sports. Then use the book to start a discussion with your child: The character in the book handled the problem this way; do you think that would work for you? “Anyone can use bibliotherapy even if they aren’'t a trained therapist,” says Sileo. “Every story we read has a moral and a solution. Talking about the solution can lead your children to their own solutions, which helps them gain confidence.”

      Encourage Your Child to Keep a Journal

      Often having your children write about or draw pictures of what’'s wrong gets them closer to a solution. “"Even older children like to draw pictures, and then it doesn’'t feel so much like homework,”" says Sileo. “Teens also like to write songs or free-associate on paper.” This lets them express themselves, which can be very revealing, Sileo notes. But give your child some space. Don’'t correct spelling or grammar and if your son or daughter doesn’'t want to share his or her journaling with you, you need to respect that.

      Compliment Failures

      Eventually everyone fails, but to a child it can be devastating. “"We want kids to keep trying and take risks,”" says Daniels. "When your child loses a baseball game you should say something along the lines of, “'I like the way you shook the opposite team members’' hands after the game.”' Or in the case of a bad grade or failed test, 'I like how you studied hard for that class; maybe we should get a tutor for you so you can do better.”'" Praise the effort, not the outcome.

      Admire Your Child When Talking to Others

      Daniels says it boosts children’'s self-confidence when you compliment them to someone else. "When you know your son or daughter is eavesdropping, mention how hard she studied for a test or how much time he practiced throwing the baseball. Imagine how you’'d feel overhearing something positive said about you. It works for kids, too."


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      **These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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