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    7 Things You Need to Know About Hemp
    Hemp, a type of Cannabis sativa, is the source of CBD oil...and so much more. Here's an overview on hemp and how it can help you.†What is hemp?Hemp is a type of Cannabis sativa. Tradition...
    What's the Hottest Pepper?
    It’s the question that starts fights among hardcore chiliheads: Which hot pepper brings the heat—as in BRINGS IT?That leads to a Chili 101 question: How do you measure hot pepper heat?The...
    6 Natural Toothpaste Ingredients
    Brushing your teeth involves polishing those pearly whites twice a day, two minutes at a time. But have you paused to think about the kinds of chemicals you’'re putting in your mouth when...
    The Buzz on Coffee
    Coffee...oh how we love thee. It's an eye-opener, a social elixir and a comforting ritual.Here's what you need to know about one of the world/s favorite beverages.The History of CoffeeCof...
    What Do I Wear for a Massage?
    Need a break from the mundane? A massage poses several benefits to your overall well-being given its ability to help you unwind and relax after a long day.If you're new to massage, you ma...
    Laughing Your Way to Health
    Looking to boost your levels of both well-being and joy? Try laughing more. People have been tapping into the healing power of laughter since the writer Norman Cousins famously recognized...
    Camping 101: A Complete Guide
    Camping is an excellent way to escape your busy life, unplug and bond with the people you love. A camping trip is also an appealing vacation idea if you are looking to explore the great o...
    Is Freeze-Dried Fruit Healthy?
    Freeze-dried fruit is convenient, nutritious and fun to add to different recipes. However, you might still wonder, "is freeze-dried fruit healthy for you as fresh fruit?"The short answer ...
    How To Ripen Avocados
    Avocados are tricky little fruits. Unlike other fruits and vegetables, avocados don't ripen on the tree. Instead, they ripen once the farmer has picked them.You can tell an avocado is rip...
    Steaming Vegetables Without a Basket
    Steaming is a great cooking method if you want to work more vegetables into your diet: It helps keep veggies crisp and flavorful while softening them enough for easy eating.However, not e...
    The Benefits of Oat Fiber
    If you want to stay healthy, you have to keep your digestive system running efficiently.At first this statement sounds a little overly dramatic. But think about it: Everything you ingest ...
    10 Tips for Packing a Duffel Bag
    Travel can sometimes lead you on adventures that you never see coming, which is why it's important to be prepared for the unexpected. On those occasions, a regular suitcase just doesn't c...

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