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      Yoga Poses for Extra Energy

      The holiday season can be fun, but all that extra activity—shopping, cooking, cleaning, etc.—can leave you too pooped to party. 

      For a natural pick-me-up, try this yoga sequence. Besides helping you feel perkier, each of these 10 poses offers other benefits as well.

      Upward Salute

      In addition to providing an energy boost, this pose also stretches the muscles of the torso and aids digestion.The information provided is not an endorsement of any product, and is intended for educational purposes only. NaturesPlus does not provide medical advice and does not offer diagnosis of any conditions. Current research on this topic is not conclusive and further research may be needed in order to prove the benefits described. The conditions and symptoms described may be indicative of serious health problems, and therefore should be brought to the attention of a qualified healthcare practitioner.

      1. Stand with your arms at your sides and feet together. Slowly lift your arches and ankles, squeezing the outer shins toward one another.

      2. Release your shoulder blades, elongate your neck and make sure your ears, shoulders, hips and ankles are in a straight line.

      3. Face the palms forward and reach toward the floor, then sweep your arms out to the side and up over your head. Straighten the arms without locking the elbow joint and press the palms together. Take several breaths, then release.


      This pose improves energy by supporting both respiration and circulation. It also promotes balance and strengthens your legs.The information provided is not an endorsement of any product, and is intended for educational purposes only. NaturesPlus does not provide medical advice and does not offer diagnosis of any conditions. Current research on this topic is not conclusive and further research may be needed in order to prove the benefits described. The conditions and symptoms described may be indicative of serious health problems, and therefore should be brought to the attention of a qualified healthcare practitioner. 

      1. Stand with your feet together, toes touching, and arms at your sides. Inhale, then raise your arms overhead, biceps just slightly in front of your ears. Keep the arms parallel with your palms facing inward.

      2. Exhale and bend your knees, trying to bring your thighs as parallel to the floor as you can. Your torso should form about a right angle with the tops of your thighs, tailbone pulled towards the floor. Press the heads of your thigh bones down toward your heels and your shoulder blades against your back.

      3. Stay in this position for up to a minute. Release the pose by straightening your knees while inhaling, then exhale and release your arms to your sides.

      Warrior II

      Warrior II stretches and strengthens the legs, improving lower-body circulation. It also strengthens the core and shoulders.

      1. Stand at the top of your mat, feet together, legs and core muscles engaged. Exhale and step your left foot three to four feet back, turned out to the left 90°; keep the heel of your right foot in line with the arch of the left, hips open to the longside of your mat. Turn your right foot out to the right slightly as needed to maintain balance.

      2. Bend the right leg so that the shin is perpendicular to the floor; look to make sure you can still see your big toe.

      3.Inhale and extend your arms into a T-shape, palms facing down; keep the tops of the shoulders in alignment and directly over the pelvis.

      4. Set your gaze at the third finger of your front hand; hold for 30 seconds to 1 minute.

      5. Lower your arms, straighten your right knee and turn your left foot to match the right. Repeat on the other side.

      Downward Facing Dog

      Down Dog puts your hips above your heart, encouraging blood flow. It also promotes a sense of calm.

      1. Get down on all fours, hips directly over your knees and hands slightly ahead of your shoulders.

      2. Spread your hands and turn your toes inward, then lift your knees off the floor.

      3. At first, keep your knees bent and your heels slightly raised. Afterward, straighten your spine, but be careful not to do a backbend.

      4. Press the bases of your index fingers into the floor before flattening your shoulder blades and drawing them towards your tailbone (don’t let your head hang down).

      5. Stay in the pose for three long breaths, then come out of the pose by bending your knees and bringing them back to the floor.

      Low Lunge

      This pose helps release tension in the hips while stretching the quads and hamstrings—an important consideration if you do a lot of sitting.

      1. Start in Down Dog. Then exhale and bring your right foot forward, between your hands. Lower your left knee to the floor, sliding your foot back until you feel a stretch in the left hip.  Keep the hips low and level.

      2. Inhale, then engage your lower abdomen and lift your chest away from your thighs, sweeping your arms up along your ears. Look straight ahead or go into a gentle backbend while gazing at your thumbs.

      3. Exhale, lowering your hands back down and stepping back into Down Dog. Repeat with your left foot.


      Camel allows you to open up the front of your body while strengthening the back muscles and bringing flexibility to your spine.

      1. Kneel, knees hip-distance apart, and shins and tops of your feet pressed into the mat. Place your hands on your lower back.

      2. Slightly rotate your thighs inward, as if you’re pulling up your sitting bones. Then inhale and lift your sternum, drawing your elbows towards each other and engaging your core. Tuck your chin and bring your hands to your heels, cupping the heels with your palms.

      3. Keeping your core engaged, press the heels of your hands into the heels of your feet, with your fingers draped over the soles. Keep your neck in a neutral position. (If you can’t reach your feet, place your hands on your lower back.)

      4. Hold for 30 to 60 seconds. Then move your hands to the front of the pelvis, inhale and push down on the hip points to lift the head and torso, again using your core.


      This pose fires up all the major muscle groups, giving you an energy jolt as it builds balance, flexibility and core strength. If you have wrist problems, do Plank on your forearms.

      1. Get onto your hands and knees; your fingers should be spread and your shoulders directly over your wrists. (If using your forearms drop them to the ground, elbows directly under shoulders.)

      2. Stretch your legs out behind you. Then get up onto your toes, keeping your body in a straight line from head to toes. Keep your hips level and look at the space between your hands.

      3. Engage your core by pulling your navel up and keeping your shoulder blades back and together, towards your midline. Keep your weight evenly distributed from bottom to top and side to side. Don’t forget to breathe.

      4. Lower your body back to the ground once you can no longer hold proper form. Eventually, you’ll want to hold the plank position for a full minute.


      Bow loosens up the shoulders and chest as well as the front of the hips. The pose also helps reduce mild backache, improve posture and relieve menstrual cramps.The information provided is not an endorsement of any product, and is intended for educational purposes only. NaturesPlus does not provide medical advice and does not offer diagnosis of any conditions. Current research on this topic is not conclusive and further research may be needed in order to prove the benefits described. The conditions and symptoms described may be indicative of serious health problems, and therefore should be brought to the attention of a qualified healthcare practitioner.

      1. Lie on your stomach with your arms at your sides, palms up.

      2. Exhale and bend your knees, bringing your heels as close to your torso as possible. Grab your ankles.

      3. Inhale and lift your thighs up and heels back. This will lift your upper body off the mat; press your shoulder blades toward each other while keeping the tops of your shoulders away from your ears. Look forward.

      4. Stay in the pose 20–30 seconds. Exhale while releasing.


      This pose helps loosen a stiff lower back while improving mood, reducing stress and toning the butt.The information provided is not an endorsement of any product, and is intended for educational purposes only. NaturesPlus does not provide medical advice and does not offer diagnosis of any conditions. Current research on this topic is not conclusive and further research may be needed in order to prove the benefits described. The conditions and symptoms described may be indicative of serious health problems, and therefore should be brought to the attention of a qualified healthcare practitioner.

      1. Lie on your stomach, then place your hands under your shoulders with your elbows pointing straight back, close to your sides. Spread your fingers wide.

      2. Slowly raise your torso and head, supporting yourself on your hands; most of your weight should be in the palms. The arms should be bent at the elbows. Keep your navel pressed to the floor.

      3. Arch your neck slightly backwards and look up, then press your toes into the floor before extending them out.

      4. Hold 5–10 seconds before lowering your torso.


      A resting pose that’s a good antidote for stress, Child also lengthens the spine and releases tension from the shoulders and back.

      1. Kneel down and touch your big toes together. Then sit on your heels, moving your knees as wide as your hips. If you find this difficult, place a rolled-up blanket between the tops of your calves and the backs of your thighs.

      2. Exhale and lay your torso between your thighs, trying to broaden your lower back and to lengthen your spine up through your neck.

      3. Lay your hands on the floor beside you, palms up, allowing the shoulders to open, for anywhere from 30 seconds to 2 or 3 minutes.

      The information provided is not an endorsement of any product, and is intended for educational purposes only. NaturesPlus does not provide medical advice and does not offer diagnosis of any conditions. Current research on this topic is not conclusive and further research may be needed in order to prove the benefits described. The conditions and symptoms described may be indicative of serious health problems, and therefore should be brought to the attention of a qualified healthcare practitioner.The information provided is not an endorsement of any product, and is intended for educational purposes only. NaturesPlus does not provide medical advice and does not offer diagnosis of any conditions. Current research on this topic is not conclusive and further research may be needed in order to prove the benefits described.

      The conditions and symptoms described may be indicative of serious health problems, and therefore should be brought to the attention of a qualified healthcare practitioner.

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      **These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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