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      Cooking with Turmeric

      That deep yellow hue of your favorite Indian dishes is due to turmeric. While it’s known in the wellness world as the source of curcumin, a health powerhouse, this ancient Asian spice is enjoying a rebound with chefs everywhere.

      (Actually, cucumin isn’t the only beneficial substance found in turmeric: It also contains beta-carotene, vitamin C, calcium, flavonoids, fiber, iron, niacin, potassium and zinc.)

      India, the country most famously associated with turmeric, is also the world’s biggest producer (although it is grown elsewhere in the tropics). Pots found near New Delhi had turmeric residue dating back as early as 2,500 BC; in the ancient world, turmeric was also used to color cloth and thread.

      Today, turmeric’s peppery flavor and mild fragrance enhances any number of recipes, in which it is generally added at the end of the cooking process to preserve all of its essential oils. Since the root’s pigments can stain clothing or kitchen surfaces (obviously, if it has been used as a dye), handle carefully.

      Grow your own turmeric in a pot or your home garden (if you live in a tropical climate); fresh roots keep in the fridge for up to a month. Boil the roots in water, then dry and grind to make turmeric powder (store in an airtight container). 

      Cauliflower and Broccoli with Capers and Turmeric

      Not a fan of broccoli? That’s probably because you’ve never had properly cooked broccoli.

      “I believe most people think of mushy steamed veggies when presented with cruciferous vegetables, like cauliflower and broccoli,” says holistic nutritionist Torie Borrelli, author ofThe Mexican Keto Cookbook (Ten Speed). “Roasting is an easy way to prepare delicious veggies for the week without having to do too much.”

      1 head cauliflower, cut into florets

      1 head broccoli, cut into florets

      3 tbsp slightly melted clarified butter or avocado oil

      1 tbsp turmeric powder

      1/2 tsp kosher salt

      1 tsp freshly ground black pepper

      1/4 cup capers in water, drained (rinse, if in salt)

      2 tbsp olive oil

      1 tsp mustard seed powder (optional)

      1. Preheat the oven to 350°. In a large bowl, toss the cauliflower and broccoli with the butter, turmeric, salt and pepper. Place the veggies on a baking sheet, using your hands or a wooden spoon to spread them evenly so they are not touching.
      2. Place the baking sheet on the lowest oven rack and bake 25 minutes, until golden.
      3. Remove from the oven and toss in a bowl with the capers, olive oil and mustard seed powder (if using).

      Yields: 4–6 servings

      Source: Reprinted fromThe Mexican Keto Cookbook(Penguin Random House). Copyright © 2019 by Torie Borrelli.

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