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      6 Tips for Talking to Teens
      You’ve taken it all in stride, from the 2 a.m. feedings to the scraped knees. And’re the parent of a teenager.Relax. Just like you’ve dealt with all of your child’s changes befo...
      Helping Kids Brush Their Teeth Properly
      Of all the activities related to children’'s oral health, teaching them how to brush their teeth is the most crucial. Brushing breaks down plaque, a sticky, bacteria-laden substance that ...
      Natural Ways to Ease Kids' Tummy Aches
      "My tummy hurts!" What parent hasn't heard that cry at one time or another? Fortunately, most tummy aches in children aren't serious and respond well to home care. Start by asking your ch...
      Keeping Your Child's Ears Healthy
      Children’'s inner ear problems are among the most common reasons for unscheduled visits to the pediatrician: Parents find it distressing to watch a toddler suffer from an inner ear infect...
      Building Children's Self-Confidence
      As a parent, you want what’'s best for your children. You’'d like them to take risks, meet new people and be happy, and not be anxious or worried about what others think of them. However,...
      Cooking with Children
      One way to have fun and spend time together is to cook with your children: Family mealtime is especially important in a world where too many kids overload on fast-food burgers and pizza.P...
      Encouraging Active Play
      Once upon a time, children roamed free: They would go from yard to yard, put together a game of baseball with the neighborhood kids and come back at dinnertime totally wiped out. Today, t...
      Feeding Your Child the Right Way
      As a new school year begins, you need to do more than just buy pencils and a backpack—you need to consider how to feed your child so he or she is fully nourished and ready to learn when c...
      Helping Your Child Develop Healthy Habits
      Now that schooltime is around the corner, you've probably thought of helping your child develop good study habits, the kind that will help them succeed now and throughout their lives. How...
      Active Moms, Active Kids
      Staying physically fit during pregnancy might not just help keep you healthy—evidence now suggests it may lead your child to move more as an adult.While scientists have made this observat...
      How to Teach Your Kids to Have Patience
      Did you ever count how many times a day your child calls your name or demands your attention? Don’t ask, right?As adults, we know that patience is a virtue, and not an easy one to master....
      Keeping Your Kids Healthy While Eating Out
      Studies indicate that we tend to eat healthier meals at home than in restaurants, but today’s busy schedules lead many families to eat away from home.Here's how to maintain your family's ...

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