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    How to Start Eating Clean
    Once upon a time, all food was “organic.” Farmers used natural means to enrich the soil, control weeds and eliminate pests because there were no other options. That was true until the mid...
    Three Reasons You Need a Multivitamin
    Have you stashed away some nonperishable food...just in case?Recently, a lot of people have discovered the wisdom of protecting themselves against possible shortages. And while that’s a g...
    Health Hacks for Gamers
    Like to spend your time winning the West in Red Dead Redemption 2 or battling it out in Call of Duty? That's great...but you may have noticed that your hands are starting to cramp and you...
    Four Who Found Weight Loss Success
    Achieving a healthy weight takes more than the initial weight loss: Keeping it off for good presents an even greater challenge. The National Weight Control Registry tracked and studied 1...
    Olives for Your Table
    With little to no cholesterol and a rich store of beneficial monounsaturated fat, this tree fruit—yes, the olive is a fruit—has a long history in healthy Mediterranean diets.Olives also h...
    Weight Loss for Couples
    It probably doesn’t surprise you to learn that more than half of all women in America (56.4%, to be exact) say they want to lose weight, according to one national health survey.What you m...
    10 Habits for Better Health
    While good genes and good luck never hurt, your overall health depends in large part on the little things you do day after day. With that in mind, here are ten habits you should consider ...
    Enjoying the Sun, Safely
    Everyone wants to get out and move as warmer weather moves in. And everyone should; sunlight helps our bodies create vitamin D, essential for a strong immune system, healthy bones and muc...
    Three Springtime Detox Tips
    The end of winter is often when reduced activity may have you feeling a little a spring detox might help jump-start a more energetic you. If that sounds like a plan, keep the fol...
    12 Ways to Feel & Look Your Best
    The old adage “little things mean a lot” is truer than you may think, especially when it comes to well-being. In fact, one study has found that adopting such healthy behaviors as exercisi...
    Keeping Your Home Fresh Naturally
    Using scented air fresheners and candles may sound like a good way to keep your home smelling sweet and inviting. However, these products often trigger runny noses and sneezing, even asth...
    Organizing a Closet in 5 Steps
    Are you ready for the one organizing job you’ve been dreading: Cleaning out your clothes closet? Go ahead—these tips will make you wonder why you waited so long.Step 1: Empty and CleanAnd...

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