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    Top 10 Snacks for Hikers

    Hiking is a great way to reap the rewards of exercise while enjoying the beauties of nature. Because it's a steady burn of calories over an extended period of time, your body needs consistent fuel from the right kinds of food.

    Pack enough snacks so that you can consume about 150 to 200 calories every hour, focusing on carbohydrates with some protein for balance. Frequent snacking gives your body sustained energy for the near-constant movement of hiking. Post-hike, add some protein to your carb source to aid in muscle recovery.

    Before you head out on the trail, you may want to taste-test your snacks during an at-home workout. Find out how well they work for your energy levels and digestion.

    Here are 10 snacks that can help you maintain energy while you hike.

    1. Nuts

    Whether you like them raw, toasted or seasoned with salt or other herbs and spices, nuts provide healthy fat and a rich calorie value for their size. They can quickly satiate hunger and provide energy boost for long-endurance activities like hiking. Try a recipe for candied pecans or walnuts with honey or maple syrup for some added carbohydrates for energy.

    2. Granola

    Mix oats with your favorite nuts, dried fruits, spices and natural sweeteners like honey or agave. Bake to dry out and to toast the nuts and spices, and enjoy the benefits of a blood sugar boost, along with high levels of fiber and healthy carbs.

    3. Crackers With Nut Butter

    Crackers that won't be smashed to crumbs work best for carrying in a backpack on a long hike. Options like a pita cracker or graham cracker have some crispy sturdiness and are great paired with peanut, almond or sunflower butter. Crackers provide a good carb source and the fat in nut butter boosts the calories.

    4. Roasted Beans

    Edamame and chickpeas taste great roasted and are great sources of protein and carbs. Dry the beans, mix them with olive oil, salt and your choice of seasoning (garlic, turmeric, curry), and bake at 350°, stirring occasionally, until dry. Roasting removes the water content, making them light to carry in your pack.

    5. Bananas

    Bananas are a high-calorie carb option that are also a great source of potassium, which helps prevent muscle cramps. Add some nut butter for a healthy fat boost.

    6. Celery

    Celery contains over 90% water, giving you fiber, nutrients and hydration all at once. Plus it's satisfyingly crunchy and refreshing. It's low calorie on its own, but adding a nut butter increases its calorie punch.

    7. Grapes

    Because of their firm outer skins, grapes travel well without bruising or turning to mush. Some people like to freeze them in advance for a cooling snack on a hot day. They can help boost your blood sugar when you start to lose energy.

    8. Dried Fruit

    Whether mixed in granola or trail mix, or eaten alone, dried fruit is light and compact when you're trying to pack a carb punch without taking up a lot of room in your pack. Try banana chips, raisins and dehydrated apple slices.

    9. Pretzels and Hummus

    Creamy hummus and crunchy salty pretzels cover carbs, fat and protein in a satisfying bite. Try making your own hummus with flavors and spices you like.

    10. Beef Jerky

    A great source of protein, beef jerky doesn't take up a lot of room and is ideal for muscle recovery when you're finished hiking. Because it's often salty, be careful eating it early in a hike to avoid drinking your water too quickly.

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    **These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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